• Question: have you invented anything?

    Asked by 362prdq36 to Noel, nina, Ivan, Gowthaman, Diana, Alice on 1 Mar 2019. This question was also asked by 796prdq29.
    • Photo: Diana Abrunhosa

      Diana Abrunhosa answered on 1 Mar 2019:

      I will not say no but not yet!

    • Photo: Noel O'Dowd

      Noel O'Dowd answered on 1 Mar 2019:

      I have invented some theories that are used in computer programmes but I haven’t invented anything that you would use in your daily life.

    • Photo: Gowthaman Parivendhan

      Gowthaman Parivendhan answered on 6 Mar 2019:

      I’m working on a few theories but I wouldn’t call them inventions yet
