• Question: WHat does your business make/ do

    Asked by sasha. to Ivan on 11 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Ivan Merrick

      Ivan Merrick answered on 11 Mar 2019:

      Hi Sasha. Thank you for your question. What my company does is provided engineering solutions to my customers who have a difficulty with a liquid or gas. Mostly this involves talking to my customer at first to understand what their problem is. I sometimes can give them a solution right away but often will have to go away and think about the problem and work out what would be the best way to solve the problem. It’s what engineers do. We solve customers problems and I like that part of my job most.
      For example a customer wanted to transfer chlorine chemicals ( the smell you get at a swimming pool) from a drum to another container but they had no electric power where to pump was to work. I solved this by supplying them with a rechargeable battery operated pump which had a hose and nozzle (like the ones at the garage). This overcame the fact they had no power and the hose and nozzle meant the operator could safely transfer the chemical without any health risk to themselves.
